March Monster of the Month: The Hell Cleaver

From the deepest, darkest pits of the Hells, there comes a new foe! One fueled only by the desire for wanton destruction and ultimate devastation.

Crawling out from the fiery pits of the Hells, is the Hell Cleaver! Wielding its reaping bladeclaw and blazing hellchain, there is no rest, no respite from the rage and power of the Hell Cleaver.

Hey Pilgrims!

Welcome back to another edition of WPG's monthly content! Having released NPCs and an Encounter, now I'm happy to show the first of many monster stat blocks coming as part of the monthly content!

Having recently watched the DOOM inspired one shot from Critical Role, I was inspired to channel the DOOM love more into DnD and create a monster worthy to stand against the Doomslayer himself! Therefore, without any further ado, enjoy using the Hell Cleaver in your own game!


Find this month’s content here!

As always, keep wandering!
