Playtesters Wanted! Inquire Within!

Hey Pilgrims!

Mike here once again with some great news! The Hydra System is looking for playtesters like you! The plan as of now is to gather a group of eligible players to try out a few constructed one shots and various encounters to try out and give certain mechanics a good test run!

Want to join us?!? If so, be sure to check out our Discord and show us your interest in the “Playtest Lab” channel.

The Hydra System?

Yes! The D12 based system under construction, the Hydra System, is a narrative based storytelling TTRPG (with a healthy dose of combat thrown in! I am a born and bred miniwargamer after all!).

If you want more info on the Hydra System why not check out our previous article here:

The Hydra System: Enter the Hydra

What Are You Looking For?

Great question, potential playtester! When “playtesting” is mentioned, a key component is that while playing, the testers actually try to experiment and see how abilities and the system works together. So do you have a keen eye for design? Do you enjoy picking systems apart to see how they work? Hell, do you just enjoy TTRPGs? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then I would LOVE to have you join us and playtest the Hydra System!

Sounds Fun! How Do I Join?!

Head on over to our Discord! Click the link here and we can get you squared away and start determining times for Playtests!

Now, if there is a large interest, there may be a wait to join various games, but this is good! The more people involved, means more playtesting, which means more feedback to make the hydra System even better than we ever thought!

I can’t wait to see you all there!

As always, keep wandering!
